courtroom show "Judge Judy," in "All Rise for Julian Clary," and he was a regular performer on "ITV Panto," a series of musical-comedy skits filmed before a live audience. Although most of his work has been for the small screen or for the stage, Clary has appeared in the occasional...
He delivered strong supporting turns in the action thriller "Shooter" (2007), the stately courtroom thriller "The Lincoln Lawyer" (2011) and the action comedy "Tower Heist" (2011). By the time he delivered an award-worthy performance in the indie actioner "End of Watch" (2012), Peña ...
I'm equally sure that all those groaning lawyers also knew exactly what happened next in the movie. Dr. Benoit did not look at the door. (That's the way the urban legend goes, you see, everyone in the courtroom looks at the door except the defendant, so the jury concludes he didn'...
Davis's support for revolutionary Black activist George Jackson led to her arrest as a conspirator in the abortive attempt to free Jackson from a Marin County, California, courtroom. Angela Davis was acquitted of all charges and became a renowned teacher and writer aboutfeminism,Black issues, and...
The FBI got in touch with Seagal to confirm, he was compelled to tell the FBI and a courtroom about what had happened after the FBI intimidated him with jail if he didn’t. The prior year, Seagal had proclaimed that he planned to discontinue making violent movies. The only dilemma was ...
Later programs of note include "The Norman Conquests," adapted from the trilogy of plays by Alan Ayckbourn; the Emmy-nominated courtroom drama "Skokie"; and "Breaking the Code," a biopic of mathematician Alan Turing which reteamed the director with Jacobi. Birthplace: Vienna, Austria Michael ...
(1999) opposite Ewan McGregor, before making the leap to American series television in the courtroom drama "The Jury" (2004). But it was her performance in ABC's quirky dramedy "Pushing Daisies" (ABC, 2007-09) in the fall of 2007 that truly brought Friel international renown, earning her...
Later programs of note include "The Norman Conquests," adapted from the trilogy of plays by Alan Ayckbourn; the Emmy-nominated courtroom drama "Skokie"; and "Breaking the Code," a biopic of mathematician Alan Turing which reteamed the director with Jacobi. Birthplace: Vienna, Austria Michael ...
And Deeper 12 Behind-The-Scenes Stories From 'Alien' Also ranks #1 on Behind-The-Scenes Stories About Popular '80s Stars Robert Klein The Last Unicorn, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Reign Over Me One of the most influential stand-up comedians to emerge from the 1970s, Robert Klein ...