In the age-old battle between felines and canines, one rogue kitty is stepping up the fight. Kitty Galore, former operative for MEOWS, is executing a diabolical plan against her sworn enemies, the dogs, as well as her cat comrades. In order to save themselves and their humans, both speci...
The band released their first album, It's About Time, in 2006, followed by several other successful albums such as Jonas Brothers, A Little Bit Longer, and Lines, Vines and Trying Times. After the band's disbandment in 2013, Nick continued his musical journey, rel...
Jess Wright became famous when she appeared on the reality TV show, The Only Way Is Essex, which puts "real people in modified situations, saying unscripted lines but in a structured way." Since then, she has literally been a professional famous person...
The Chief Surgeon Hawkeye (Alan Alda) was the show's protagonist with a handsome amount of wit and fatigue, leading to classic lines like "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happy Hour" when he ends another night at the base's bar. 'Hey, hey, hey!' Bud Yorkin Productions 'Hey, hey,...
Although Dolphy's work is sometimes classified as free jazz, his compositions and solos were often rooted in conventional (if highly abstracted) tonal bebop harmony and melodic lines that suggest the influences of modern classical composers such as Béla Bartók and Igor Stravinsky. Birthplace: Los ...
Like other students of Tristano, Konitz was noted for improvising long, melodic lines with the rhythmic interest coming from odd accents, or odd note groupings suggestive of the imposition of one time signature over another. Other saxophonists were strongly influenced by Konitz, notably Paul Desmond...
Mary Jane Seacole (née Grant; 1805 – 14 May 1881) was a British-Jamaican business woman and nurse who set up the "British Hotel" behind the lines during the Crimean War. She described this as "a mess-table and comfortable quarters for sick and convalescent officers", and provided succou...
While on the court, Sotomayor has supported the informal liberal bloc of justices when they divide along the commonly perceived ideological lines. During her tenure on the Supreme Court, Sotomayor has been identified with concern for the rights of defendants, calls for reform of the criminal ...
The band released their first album, It's About Time, in 2006, followed by several other successful albums such as Jonas Brothers, A Little Bit Longer, and Lines, Vines and Trying Times. After the band's disbandment in 2013, Nick continued his musical journey, releasing solo projects like ...
Although Dolphy's work is sometimes classified as free jazz, his compositions and solos were often rooted in conventional (if highly abstracted) tonal bebop harmony and melodic lines that suggest the influences of modern classical composers such as Béla Bartók and Igor Stravinsky. Jerry Gray ...