List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
What famous inventions did women make? Women have invented many devices that have changed society for the better. Products such as Kevlar, devices to help those on the Autism spectrum, animal handling devices, and invisible glass have all been invented by women. ...
Famous Inventions and Their InventorsX-rays were discovered in 1895 by a German professor, Wilhelm Roentgen. People all over the world were amazed by his invention, the X-ray machine. This invention was so important that Roentgen won the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901.The telephone was...
The Chinese nation has 5000 years of glorious civilization, with the famous four great inventions, although with a history of humiliation, but we also see that China's economy developed rapidly, China's GDP has leaped to second place, the financial crisis the context of the world economy needs...
This exchange is the source of Marx's remark, reported by Friedrich Engels: "ce qu'il y a de certain c'est que moi, je ne suis pas marxiste" ("what is certain is that [if they are Marxists], [then] I myself am not a Marxist"). Birthplace: Paris, France Jan Guillo...
Lori Greiner is a 53-year-old (DOB: December 9, 1969) jewelry designer from the United States, an investor in the popular television show “Shark Tank,” and has over one hundred patents for inventions. She has a net worth of $150 million and established the company, For Your Ease Only...
Elias Howe Jr. orinventor Howeas he is also known can be categorized as one of our famous inventors as he was the pioneer of the sewing machine. While there were other similar inventions and designs around Elias Howe Jr.’s patented design was the first and most successfully developed and ...
Many of his inventions have become important in modern life. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and used in war. Besides, Leonardo spent days thinking about how to save time. He ...
Through cropping, multiple imagery, and other formal inventions, his work explores options for transforming the vocabulary of the photograph. Untitled from 1969 illustrates the simple method of manipulating objective information through juxtaposition: two distinct women on the beach enter into a yin-yang...
More than a father figure, Israel was a spiritual guide to Gregory and told Gregory that he should start getting into music production. That will mark the beginning of a 4 year collaboration with the keyboardist and sound engineer Charles Spencer where Gregory began producing his sign...