Since the beginning of human history, people have lived in close contact with animals—usually as hunters and farmers—and have developed myths and legends about them. All kinds of creatures, from fierce leopards to tiny spiders, play important roles in mythology. A myth can give special ...
According to Greek mythology, their songs were so captivating that sailors would steer their ships toward the source of the music, only to crash upon the rocks. Sirens are said to inhabit remote islands and rocky coasts. The most famous depiction of sirens is in Homer’s The Odyssey, where...
Pieter Bruegel the Elder was one of the leading artists of theNorthern Renaissance. His paintingThe Hunters in the Snowwas part of a series dedicated to portraying different times of the year. This work depicted a scene in the winter, in which a pair of hunters lead their dogs through the...
"Great argus males in particular are amongst the most unusual and distinctive of all birds, with their astonishingly long wing and tail feathers adorned with thousands of eye-spots. It is their beauty which is, in part, what makes them so prized by hunters. "To have two chicks hatch here ...
Works: De Leeuw van Vlaanderen, Der rekrut, The boys of the Sierras, or, the young gold hunters Koenraad Elst Age: 65 Koenraad Elst (born 7 August 1959) is a right wing Hindutva activist. Known primarily for his support of the Out of India theory and for publication of anti-Islamic...
Atli's most recent credits include The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, A Single Shot, NBC series Chicago Fire, and together with Hans Zimmer contributed music to the Zack Snyder Superman reinstallment Man of Steel. Originally from the small town of Akureyri...