Spiritual Healers Tibetan Lamas Tulpa Reincarnation Fear of Year 1000 Ancient Oracles Mysterious Place Easter Island Machu Picchu Teotihuacan Petra Glastonbury Turin Rennes le Château Uluru Madagascar Zimbabwe Palenque Tenochtitlan Carnac Yonaguni Tikal Chichen Itza Malta Templ...
Brown does not claim to possess any supernatural powers and his acts are often designed to expose the methods of those who do assert such claims, such as faith healers and mediums. In his performances, he often says that his effects are achieved through "magic, suggestion, psychology, ...
Only certain people, such as priests, healers, and magicians, could communicate with these spirits. They usually did so through dreams and trances. deity god or goddess Spirits might be called on for a variety of reasons, including the diagnosis and cure of illness, success in fishing, ...