In October 2008, he premiered his quasi-autobiographical show, Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy, at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton; the show toured several cities in Canada, the UK, and Australia through late 2009. In 2011-12, he did an extensive Canadian tour of his new play, ...
The Peter Iredaleshipwreck is a must-see attraction on theOregon coastand thanks to theKing Tides,the ship is even more exposed than it ever has been in its history. I've enclosed some amazing new photos below of the wreck before where you can now see the ship clearly exposed. As the ...
In 2021, it was named one of MovieMaker’s Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker, ranking 3rd out of 25 cities nationally and the top Texas city for moviemakers. As well as being a creative and film-friendly city, it’s also home to diverse landscapes. Less than a half-...
List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
Perhaps even more impressively, the much smaller city of Bend, located in the mountains of central Oregon, is also often found on these lists. With the combined brewing expertise of the two cities, along with many other breweries scattered throughout the state, the region has become known ...
Bigfootis elusive in Washington State and his status as legendary can't be understated. Thousands of people across the Pacific Northwest have scoured the woods of Washington State in hopes of getting a glimpse. One famous movie filmed in Northern California is thePatterson-Gimlin filmthat spotted...
Also a major street in several American cities. Grand-Trunk Road• Asia One of South Asia's oldest and longest major roads. It has linked the eastern and western regions of the Indian subcontinent, running from Bengal, across north India, into Peshawar in Pakistan. Great North Road• ...
Philadelphia is probably pretty far down the list when you think of cities in America if it comes to mind at all. The gritty city is like the metropolis black sheep, and it kind of likes it that way. Boston is lauded for its historical relevance and the part it played in early American...
Pies are the staple for holidays, BBQs, and everything else when it comes to family and friends.
From Paris to Ireland to Dakota to Brooklyn, many famous actors, actresses, and musicians share their names with famous places in the world. Some of these celebrities have names that are also cities in Europe, and others share a name with US states and cities. A few famous people even sha...