The lovely and talented Gracie Allen was one half of the iconic comedy duo "Burns and Allen," which she formed with her husband, George Burns. The couple delighted audiences with their humorous radio show, "The Burns and Allen Show," where Gracie portrayed a lovable, albeit slightly scatterbr...
He was known for humorously inserting musical quotes into his solos, with sources as diverse as popular tunes, "Happy Birthday", and the operas of Wagner. This is not unusual in common-practice jazz improvisation, but Gordon did it frequently enough to make it a hallmark of his style. One...
Famous Quotes Thematic Poems Thematic Quotes Poems About: Birthday Poems Death Poems Mother Poems Family Poems Thank You Poems Sympathy Poems Retirement Poems Sorry Poems Angel Poems Relationship Poems All Poems Popular Poets Langston Hughes Shel Silverstein Pablo Neruda Maya Angelou Edgar Allan Poe...
To test yourmovie triviaskills, we've gathered the very best movie quotes from all your favorite films, including classics like "Jaws," "Casablanca," "Star Wars," "Jerry Maguire," "The Godfather" and a host of other box office hits. In the list below you'll find funny movie quotes, ...
Birthdays are special occasions that mark the passing of another year in our lives. They provide us with an opportunity to celebrate, reflect, and appreciate the journey we have taken so far. And what better way to capture the essence of birthdays than through famous quotes that encapsulate the...
Our world-famous collection of inspirational love quotes for him and her will help you put your feelings into words for any occasion.
Alan Watts Quotes “That is an example of our perennial confusion of symbols with realities.” — Alan Watts Audio lecture "Individual and Society" Context: I am amazed that Congressmen can pass a bill imposing severe penalties on anyone who burns the American flag, whereas they are responsible...
– George Burns Stress increases stress hormones (adrenaline & cortisol) and causes blood sugar swings, both which contribute to stress hormones being too high at night (a common denominator in insomnia). – Catherine Crow from Butter Nutition Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction ...
Playing Bridge Quotes Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. — Woody Allen 303 To me, the most unhappy people in the world are the people ... in Palm Beach- Going to parties every night. Playing golf every afternoon,...
“What voice revisits me this night? What faceTo my heart’s room returns?From the perpetual silence where the graceOf human sainthood burnsHastes he once more to harmonise and heal?I know not. Only I feelHis influence undiminishedAnd his life’s work, in me and many, unfinished.” —...