Narayan's mentor and friend Graham Greene was instrumental in getting publishers for Narayan’s first four books including the semi-autobiographical trilogy of Swami and Friends, The Bachelor of Arts and The English Teacher. The fictional town of Malgudi was first introduced in Swami and Friends....
The books, translated to Hindi language by an Indian journalist Anand Swaroop Verma, were released amidst a gathering of writers, academicians, scholars, and publishers from both India and China. Speaking on the occasion, Zhou Hongbo, the editor-in-chief of Chinese publishing house Commercial Pres...
She submitted the manuscript to several other publishers without success, and eventually edited and self-published the novel herself in 2006. The novel garnered a strong review in The Globe and Mail, as well as significant attention in Canada's gay press. Marlene Lloyd had also previously ...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 quo•ta•tion (kwoʊˈteɪ ʃən) n. 1. something quoted; a passage quoted from a book, speech, etc. 2. ...
Publisher: V&S Publishers Genre: Biography & Autobiography ISBN: 9789381384305, 9789381384305 Edition: 1 Pages: 120 Services Cash on Delivery available ? Seller BOOKLOVER 4.1 7 Days Replacement Policy ? See other sellers Description Written in simple and lucid language,these biographical sketches of gre...
Because of the fact that homosexuality has, at various times in history, been attacked or forbidden, historians and their publishers have often refused to acknowledge that famous people had same-sex partners. Most history books for k-12 students routinely delete any mention of homosexuality, never...
The exhibition featured more than twenty books, including self-published works and numerous volumes from a variety of publishers. His books are less a box for storing unexamined experience, than a field or vertical plane for examining interior co-existences, as life moves in circles and moments ...
Huffington is also a published author. Her first book, The Female Woman, was published in 1974 and a bestseller. Despite that success, she was rejected by over 36 publishers when trying to get her second book published. But she persevered, and I have personally counted 18 books that she ...
By the year 2000 she became the highest-earning woman in England, netting about $30 million. Rowling named her book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and this is the title it is known by in most countries.However, the publishers in America decided to change the name to "Harry ...
“Solid Ivory” by James Ivory (Macmillan Publishers) Ivory writes about all these experiences in the multiple essays that make up “Solid Ivory” — a book that, as he said last month in a phone interview from his longtime home in New York’s Hud...