Black women throughout history have faced roadblocks, racial injustices and a flurry of “no’s” when it comes to rising through the ranks in any field in America. But as Alice Walker said, you can't keep a good woman (or women, in this case) down. And that's why it is more tha...
Famous African American Women Who Are Republican The Most Inspiring (Non-Hollywood) Female Role Models The Greatest Black Female Activists The 16 Best Movies With Female Politicians The Best Female Celebrity Role Models The Greatest Female TV Role Models Comedy 308 people have voted on The Funniest...
Famous Women With The Most Kids The Greatest Black Female Activists The Most Inspiring (Non-Hollywood) Female Role Models Celebrities 54.1k people have read 14 Famous People with Jewish Mothers Unscripted 241 people have voted on The Greatest Black Female News Anchors Celebrity Facts 16.3k people ...
10 of the First Black Women in Congress The Women’s Rights Movement and the Women of Seneca Falls Change Makers Environmentaliststs Greta Thunberg Wangari Maathai Rachel Carson Marjory Stoneman Douglas Labor Leaders Cesar Chavez Mother Jones A. Philip Randolph Jimmy Hoffa Playback cannot continue....
Civil Rights Leaders and Activists Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images Black Americans have advocated for civil rights since the earliest days of the United States. Leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X are two of the best-known civil rights leaders of the 20th century. Others...
Black Women in Basketball: Lynette Woodard and Cheryl Miller Another historic first came in 1985, when Lynette Woodard became the first woman to join the famous Harlem Globetrotters basketball team. Around the same time, Cheryl Miller became one of the most decorated high school and collegiate wom...
Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Gloria Steinem, and Taylor Swift are just some of the women who have become famous for shaping the world as we know it.
April- A group of famous people that includes famous environmentalists, civil rights activists and famous men that have their birthdays in the month of April. May- List of notable people that are born in the month of May, this includes famous actors, famous musicians and famous black women....
Aries- A group of famous people that includes famous environmentalists, civil rights activists and famous men that star sign is Aries. Taurus- List of notable people that sun sign is Taurus, this includes famous actors, famous musicians and famous black women. ...
Eunice Johnson, his partner in publishing, was best known as the founder of theEbony Fashion Fair, an annual international event highlighting fashion for Black women. 13of 13 Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade (Film Industry, Sports) Gabrielle Union is an actor and Dwayne Wade is a former pro ba...