List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
#13 Grey's Anatomy on The 70 Best Current Shows About Women #3 The Notebook on The Best Movies For Date Night COLLECTION72 LISTSExplore JapanThe best inventors, lawyers, actors, producers, and bands from Japan. Also, fun tourist attractions in Tokyo, the craziest Japanese game...
He even disguises himself as the principal subjects that appear in the artworks he appropriated, many of which goes against his racial, ethnic, and gender boundaries as an Asian male because most of the artworks he appropriates have Western subjects, particularly female subjects. These inclu...
The Best Female Authors of All Time Writers Who Should Have Biopics Famous Authors Who Used Pen Names The Top Writers of All Time The Very Best Living Writers
He is also the first Asian winner of the “Aurora Borealis Prize” for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature. Xu is known to be very fastidious in his work. He has dedicated his life to “[translating] beautifully”. For him, English is a “scientific” language that demands accuracy...
List of Gay Asian Celebrities Read Photo: Metaweb (FB) Nancy Garden Nancy Garden's most popular book, Annie on My Mind, is about two high school girls who fall in love. "When I was growing up as a young lesbian in the ’50s, I looked in vain for books about my people,” she sai...
In 2004, Selvadurai edited a collection of short stories: Story-Wallah: Short Fiction from South Asian Writers, which includes works by Salman Rushdie, Monica Ali, and Hanif Kureishi, among others. He published a young adult novel, Swimming in the Monsoon Sea, in 2005. Swimming won the ...
#1 Andrew Johnson on Every President's Most Controversial Pardon, Ranked #12 24 on The 50+ Best Shows About The FBI, Ranked COLLECTION38 LISTSFailte gu Alba ScotlandThe very best that Scotland has to offer - musicians, actors, historians, politicians, and more! We've also...
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was a novelist who wrote about American and Asian culture, including in her literary masterpiece, The Good Earth. She was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Also ranks #23 on The Greatest Female Novelists Ever Also ranks #30 on The...
Also ranks #23 on The Best Asian Rappers of All Time 7 Mark Antony 01/13/1982 34 Marcus Antonius (14 January 83 BC – 1 August 30 BC), commonly known in English as Mark Antony or Anthony, was a Roman politician and general who played a critical role in the transformation of the Rom...