However, it was her brilliant performance in the 1990 film Ghost that won her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, making her the second African American woman to win an Oscar. Goldberg has also graced the stage with her talent, earning a Tony Award for...
He was the first African-American performer to host a variety television series, The Nat King Cole Show, which aired from 1956 to 1957. This achievement was a milestone in American television history, inspiring future generations of artists. Nat King Cole left an indelible mark on the ...
The Americans Famous people, places, and things born in the USA. Famous Art Critics from the United States Famous Playwrights from the United States Famous Film Critics from the United States Famous Environmentalists from the United States Famous Mathematicians from t...
Josephine Baker was born in America in 1906, but her career was centered in Europe, and most particularly in France. After a few Charleston dance performances in America, she decided to go to Paris to join the first revue to feature African American dancers. She is mostly known for her Ban...
where he was a founder with Samuel Cornish of the abolitionist newspaper, Freedom's Journal, the first paper owned and operated by African Americans. Russwurm became supportive of the American Colonization Society's efforts to develop a colony for African Americans in Africa, and he moved in 182...
One of his most famous works is the Migration Series, where he painted 60 pictures showing how African Americans moved from the southern part of the United States to the northern cities. His paintings are colorful and use interesting shapes to tell important stories. Jacob Lawrence’s art help...
The adaptation of her first novel, Je l'aimais, with Daniel Auteuil and Marie-Josée Croze, was filmed in 2009 by Zabou Breitman.She has also translated into French John William's novel Stoner.In March 2018, Anna Gavalda appeared in the African media as one of the finalists of the GPLA...
Black History Month, African Americans, research, online Materials Needed printable activity(s)Famous African American Womenand/orFamous African American Men computers Lesson Plan This activity might be set up in your classroom computer center; students will rotate into the activity during the week. ...
Africa, famous, African-Americans, biography Materials Needed man's handkerchief (one per student) or a white piece of cloth the same size as a handkerchief (cut from a sheet, for example) biographies and pictures or drawings of famous African Americans (some library and Internet resources provi...
Famous People Famous African Americans Famous Hispanic Americans Famous Scientists Famous Astronomers Famous Biologists Famous Chemists Famous Physicists Famous Female Scientists Famous Mathematicians Famous Military Leaders Famous Philosophers Famous Authors Famous Composers Famous Golfers Famous Explorers...