This show follows single mom Georgia, her daughter Ginny and son Austin as they move to a new town. The whole family quickly makes an impression, some good, some bad. While this show is rated TV-14, there is some more mature content in it that younger teens may not be ready for. Br...
Become a member to see contact information for Family Show. Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 5 cast members NameKnown for Carol Burnett Self - Host / Various The Carol Burnett Show(1967) Harvey Korman Various Characters Blazing Saddles(1974) ...
During its run, the show featured other notable characters and subplots which tackled many controversial topics at the time such as war, racism, homosexuality, religion, sexism, race, politics, subjects which had never been tackled on TV at all (aside from maybe the news) before, let alone...
Family Guy brings a unique brand of humor to the table. It's most notable being the constant nonsensible flashbacks showing the characters doing a variety of unreal things somewhat relating to the situation at hand. After the return of the show to TV in 2005, also came a load of new cri...
The show’s merciless eye for hypocrisy was always balanced out by compassion for the characters’ inability or unwillingness to change for the better. In retrospect, the show’s skeptical-to-pessimistic attitude about turn-of-the-millennium America feels prophetic. From gang boss Tony Soprano’s...
Learn English with MOVIES — Let's IMITATE Characters! 角色模仿 15:15 Learn English with Tom Cruise — MISSION IMPOSSIBLE III 17:12 Learn English with PODCASTS — Reacting to Funny YouTube Clips 12:46 Learn ENGLISH with MasterChef — Gordon Ramsey 跟《厨艺大师》学烹饪英语 ...
Answer (1 of 3): Out of all the characters from the TV show Family Guy, I probably relate to either Brian or Stewie the most, although I suppose the appeal of Family Guy is that you can relate, in some way or another, to many of the characters!Why I Rela
Various Characters / Announcer Wonder Woman (1975) The Ernie Flatt Dancers Dancers The Entertainers (1964) Tony Rizzi Self - Guitarist The Carol Burnett Show (1967) Kathie Fishback Anthony Dancer / Restaurant Patron (uncredited) The Carol Burnett Show (1967) Don Crichton Dancer / Mai...
His memorable characters, like the bumbling football player Jiffy Jeff, showcase his versatility and talent for bringing laughter to any situation. Nelson has released multiple comedy albums and specials, and continues to perform live. Also ranks #25 on The Best Male Stand Up Comedians of the '...
Peter retells the saga of "The Empire Strikes Back" to his family, and they, their neighbors and other various residents of Quahog find themselves engaging in the story first hand as they become the assorted characters in the epic.