FamilySearch Family Tree makes it easy and convenient to discover and document your own branches of the world’s family tree while preserving family memories suc…
FamilySearch International 专为iPad 设计 “参考资料”类第 49 名 4.8 • 42.7万 个评分 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone Apple Watch 简介 FamilySearch 家谱树可以让你轻松、方便地探索并记录你自己在世界家谱树中的支系,同时也可以保存家庭回忆,如相片、写下的故事和录音。
Family Tree* makes it EASY for you to sort out and create your own custom Family Tree. You choose yourself how big you want to make it, dating back as many gene…
FamilySearch:做了广泛的研究从来没有更方便,从舒适的家里访问世界上最大的有几十亿人的家庭系谱记录存档。 显示你的家谱:图表,报告,意见和列表。 软件亮点 My Family Tree 能保护您详细的家族史 生动描述你的时间数据滚动全面的在线支持保护你的数据隐私控制内置利用触摸屏的支持下,传感器和列表优势(视窗7只)全屏... is a free family tree and genealogy search site to help you find ancestors and research your family history. Use this genealogy database of family trees to develop your own.
applicationsoftwarefamily-tree UpdatedMay 3, 2017 Java A Data Structure-focused example on how to implement a family tree in Java. Good for university students ;) javagraphvizfamily-treebreadth-first-searchgraphviz-dotbfs-search UpdatedJul 5, 2022 ...
An easy way to research your ancestry at multiple family tree websites. Enter your ancestor information just once to search the major genealogy sites.
FamilySearch Family Tree Show Sources 1.8 版本号 2024-01-19 更新时间 5 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 此扩展显示了家谱人物或记录角色的来源和提示 当在FamilySearch 家谱树中的“人物页面”上时,单击树图标将打开一个新选项卡,在网格视图中显示附加到该人物的所有来源。
Search results gojs Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams GoJS diagram chart tree flowchart orgchart uml bpmn graph editor drawing canvas svg hierarchy View more simonsarris...
Data:Access to all historical records and build a family tree with up to 250 people for $129/year ($89 for the first year) Complete: Gain access to the ultimate package for $189/year ($119 for the first year) 4. FamilySearch