The family tree of Jesus Christ, David’s son, Abraham’s son: Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob had Judah and his brothers, Judah had Perez
The Family Tree of James Arthur Johnson Web Site consists of links that assist with genealogical research and James Arthur Johnson's family tree going back to the 1200s in Scotland. This site also provides sources for this research and the surnames cove
Want to grow your child to have a biblical worldview? Try Focus on the Family’s Live It Challenges! Once a month, explore one practical way to live out your faith and one theological topic to grow in! And It’s completely free! Sign up today. How to share the Gospel with your ...
Adam’s son Cain killed his brother. Abraham gives in to his concubine. David commits adultery. Joseph’s brothers are jealous of him and secretly sell him. And this is all in Jesus’ family tree. Yet from the shoot of Jesse comes the Messiah. A savior emerges from the line of David ...
We can’t cause this change of heart in our children, so that they repent and believe in the Lord Jesus. But we can be faithful to pray for them and teach them through family devotions, so that they when they’re grown, we can remind them of their biblical heritage (2 Timothy 3:14...
The Family of Adam—Seth to Abraham - Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The sons
Alphabetic History of Civilization: Ancient & Modern Genealogies * Fragmented Pedigrees of the Tribe of Ephraim Bible & Biblical Resources: I Have a Question Books: The [Stick] of Judah - Levi - Nathan (Biblical) Genealogy of Jesus Christ (According to Eusebius) Into His Own - Perspective on...
So, if the source isn’t biblical, how was December 25 first linked to Jesus’ birth? Prior to the existence of Christmas…Romans already had multiple celebrations around that same time of the year, as did many others around the world…. ...
Jones is a patronymic name meaning "son of John (God has favored or gift of God)", and originates from a Judeo-Christian or biblical name. "Dunn" means "son of". Spellings & Pronunciations There are not many Welsh surnames, but there are an unusually large number of spelling variatio...
(Both quote Scripture and use biblical allusions to make their points.) Why do you think science can be used so often for evil ends? Are there any inventions or discoveries you know of that make you nervous because of what they can do? Are there any ethical boundaries you’d suggest ...