treatmentObjective: To explore the experiences of families who undergone a family intervention program at a drug treatment and rehabilitation agency located in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Specifically, families were asked to comment on their experience in attending the program and how much of...
Objective:To introduce a new model named "Family Association of Addicts" (Family Association) as a family intervention treatment to the voluntary detoxification-rehabilitation treatment for addicts, and evaluate its effect on them. Methods: To analyze the difference between intervention and control groups...
graduallyfound thelimitationofthismethodisverylarge,suchassome rehabilitationofmentalpatients,inthebackoftheoriginal familyshortlyafteritagain,soshedecidedtofindanother treatmentthenewmethod.In1951,shebeganprivatepractice, andabandonedthetraditionalindividualtreatment,insteadof tryingfamilytherapy,andfoundthattheeffect...
In 1992, McDaniel, Hepworth, and Doherty (1992) coined the term medical family therapy to refer to "biopsychosocial treatment of individuals and families who are dealing with medical problems" (p. 2). More recently, family therapists, family nurses, family physicians, and others have come ...
Influence of Health Education and Nursing Intervention on Treatment Compliance and Blood Pressure Control Effect of Hypertensive Patients Objective: to summarize the effect of hypertension patients' compliance and blood pressure control after receiving rehabilitation education and nursing dur... Q Wang - ...
Problem Solving Education (PSE) on relapse rate, self efficacy and self esteem among drug abusers.This non-controlled clinical trial (quasi-experimental) assessed 60 opium and heroin abusers who were willing to quit and were referred to the Mehr Center of Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation ...
The objective of the study was to identify the needs of family members across rehabilitation treatment phases and treatment settings. Participants were 123 family caregivers in rehabilitation settings in South Korea that replied to the survey. The needs were measured by the Family Needs Questionnaire ...
Family-aided assertive community treatment: A comprehensive rehabilitation and intensive case management approach for persons with schizophrenic disorders By combining the therapeutic and rehabilitative effects of assertive community treatment, family psychoeducation, and the multifamily group, better use of ....
In the context of elderly rehabilitation, families play a crucial role by staying aware, engaged, and adaptable to varying circumstances. The model of family-centered care not only empowers elderly individuals and their families but also reduces their dependence on family support while respecting ...
neurocognitive symptoms such as falls, memory and speech impairment. KS believed in the possibility of recovery and emphasized the efforts she put into the rehabilitation of left-sided palsy. Only EP seemed to accept her dementia and transfer to the LTC facility as a consequence of the ...