EMDR, PCIT, family & couples therapy, and marriage counseling in Woodbridge, Sterling & Fairfax VA, call The Center for Connection. Our work focuses on the creation of secure, close, and satisfying relationships – both within us and between us.
Laser Therapy MLS Laser Therapy is an advanced laser technology that works to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation in the body in a safe, painless, and non-invasive way. Laser therapy is a valuable adjunct to chiropractic care, providing additional pain relief, reducing inflammation, and promotin...
Additionally, Woodbridge et al. [37] showed that caregiving hours for children directly influenced WFC and FWC among female university staff members in the United States. Lonska et al. [23] showed that among various groups of the Latvian employed population, women under 44 and those with minor...
EMDR, PCIT, family & couples therapy, and marriage counseling in Woodbridge, Sterling & Fairfax VA, call The Center for Connection. Our work focuses on the creation of secure, close, and satisfying relationships – both within us and between us.