Leah and I crossed the great Mississippi on our way from Memphis, TN to Hot Springs, AK by-way-of I-55 after Tennessee DOT inspectors closed the I-40 Hernando DeSoto Bridge 16 days earlier, blaming a crack in one-of-two 900-ft structural beams. It was a major traffic snafu, but I ...
Find a Family Therapy Therapist Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Cities: Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY Charlotte, NC Chicago, IL Columbus, OH Dallas, TX ...
Woody’s training was so much more than I imagined Allison Baker, Therapist Studio City, CAWoody did a remarkable job of explaining and adapting the material in a manner that allowed my understanding as a Marriage and Child Therapist. I truly appreciated his encouragement and positive attitude. ...