baby naming ceremonies and parties have become more common for girls. In the Roman Catholic community, birth is marked by the baptism. In some Latino Catholic subcultures, baptism is accompanied by parties marking the beginning of a life long relationship among the child, parents, and godparents...
Searches were performed without language or year of publication restriction in PubMed, Embase, and PsycINFO on September 12, 2021, accompanied by reference screening and citation tracking in Web of Science. The search was updated on March 31, 2022, before finalizing the review. See the protocol...
Another limitation is that answers were self-reported, meaning that a certain recall bias is possible. With the majority of participants being in a long-term relationship, the desire to have children and therefore the interest in taking part in the study could be more present in this group. ...
I can’t see the small texting print on my Apple watch without reading glasses, so my auditory efforts have sometimes resulted in ridiculous messages. I could only hope that no matter what they said, Grace would interpret their meaning correctly. Soon I was illegally backing into a spot nex...
(Danes et al.,2008; Hernes & Bakken,2003). However, this permeability can change, e.g., if the non-family management wants to preserve power within the firm subsystem and tries to hamper the integration of family resources, meaning that the potentially positive effect of family resources (i...
led to possible over-corrections; in this case, both Lucy’s and her younger sibling’s sentences equally convey meaning and notions of Spanish language ‘correctness’. These frequent sibling correction practices, and the lack of commentary they evoked, suggest their normalized status in ...
associated with energy creation that enhances participation in other domains (Marks, 1977). This improved performance is accompanied by role quality and individualwell-being. Enabling resources include jobautonomy, skill utilization, and workplace support in the work domain; family adaptation and ...
International data show that 77 to 96% of older adults are accompanied by family caregivers during a hospital stay and that these caregivers stay in the hospital for an average of 5 h per day [1,2,3]. They provide a variety of support: instrumental support (help with eating, bathing, ...
Cambridge University Press, 1988. ‘…the first substantive Western treatment of the role of women in Soviet rural development. It analyses both the gains made and the problems still faced by rural women in a society where development policies have been accompanied by a formal commitment to sexual...
Family work role, in contrast to employment status, is unpaid work that is often not measured or considered in health research. The results of the EFA indicated strong support for a three-factor solution comprising Caregiving Roles, Traditionally Feminine Roles, and Traditionally Masculine Roles. ...