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FamilySearch built a prototype, FamilySearch Helper, to help you. The new search tool includes the 100,000 FamilySearch wiki pages, the FamilySearch blog, and the resources at over 5000 Family History Centers. To begin using the new tools, go to and sign in. Then scroll...
“Find A Grave Index,” database,FamilySearch( 15 December 2015), Henry George Spalding, 1932; Burial, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, United States of America, Saint Raphael’s Church Cemetery; citing record ID 144301739,Find a Grave,http://...
1860 US Census: "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 14 December 2017), John Bailey in entry for James C Bailey, 1860. 1874 Kentucky Marriage Record: "Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954," database ...
Isley was born in 1860.[1] 1880 US Census, Grove Township, Harnett, North Carolina[2]Isley was 20, living with her parents. She was a farm laborer. Her father, Joseph was 46 and her mother, Athaline was 44. She had 8 siblings, ages ranged from 2 months to 17 years old. 1900...
By the 1860 census, Moses was living with son, Abraham Wheeler Finch, in Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota. Miranda (Everts) Granger Finch remained in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana where she died March 16,1863. She is buried in Granger family plot at Riverside Cemetery, ...
According to US Census records in 1790 there were 4,975 free people of color in North Carolina69. By 1860 this population had grown 6-fold to 30,463. By 1860 free people of color were roughly 10% the size of the North Carolina enslaved population and 3% of the total population70. Post...
[23]1860 US Federal Census, Township 5, Lafayette County, Florida, Wm F. Bynum, head; John Bynum, age 3; NARA Roll: M653_107; Page: 965; Family History Library Film: 803107. Retrieved [24]Bureau of Land Management. Florida Pre-1908 Homestead & Cash Entry Patents, ...
Homer Sheeley, born in Ohio in 1841, was the second of nine children born to John/Jehu Scott and Jane Caldwell (Tidball) Sheeley. At age 19, the 1860 census listed Homer and his elder brother Virgil as carpenters, and their father as a cabinet maker. By 1863 Homer was employed as ...
(Used, and World Daniel Hefley 1828 Daniel Hefley’s father: Phillip Hefley was born 29 July 1809 in North Carolina. He died ca 1834 Marion County, Tennessee Phillip Hefley’s parents are thought to be John Hefley,born ?