Define family-planning. family-planning synonyms, family-planning pronunciation, family-planning translation, English dictionary definition of family-planning. n. A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice o
WHO | Family planning DefinitionWorld Health Organization
Define family jewels. family jewels synonyms, family jewels pronunciation, family jewels translation, English dictionary definition of family jewels. pl.n. 1. Jealously guarded assets or secrets. 2. Vulgar Slang The male genitals. American Heritage® D
localfamily planningclinic.•I did make anappointmentat the localfamily planningclinic.•Theservicesareavailablefromhospitals, clinics and family doctors who haveagreedto providefamily planningadvice.•Askyour doctor or at thefamily planningclinic.•Drivestoconvincewomen to take upfamily planninguse ...
Same family definition Same familymeans parents,spouses, children, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, grandchildren, first cousins, stepchildren, stepsiblings, and parents-in-law, and spouses of any ofthe foregoing. Sample 1Sample 2 Same familymeans spouse, defacto partner, children, siblings,...
The meaning of FAMILY PRACTICE is a medical practice or specialty which provides continuing general medical care for the individual and family —called also family medicine. How to use family practice in a sentence.
[3]By deity definition. [4]But then, so are the lines at any store’s or business’s customer service/complaint/return centers. [5]From theDon’t Tell My Friends, But…series, in which theNYTasked their columnists to write about what everyone else is wrong about. ...
Ongoing challenges impede efforts to improve the quality of family planning services in underserved communities, which by definition lack sufficient numbers of physicians and other health professionals. Challenges to improving the quality of family planning services include financing difficulties, lack of sta...
There are downsides to creating an FLP. First, it can be expensive to set up and maintain because of its complexity. Most often, setting up an FLP will call for a tax specialist and estate planning attorney, and you may need to call on other professionals associated with helping to support...
In certain countries, the integration of PCC into local primary care family planning clinics has been recorded, with general practitioners (GPs) and midwives typically providing these services [5,9,10]. Conversely, several nations have introduced a compulsory preconception counselling system in primary...