DHS Analystudiestudies No. 28. Calverton. Maryland, USA: ICF International; 2012. Google Scholar IDHS. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. 2017. National Population and Family Planning Board, Statistics Indonesia, Ministry of Health, The DHS Program. https://www.dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR...
Survey data collected by USAID's Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) projecthave the potential to provide family planning programmers with a wealth of empirical information about women's personal characteristics, fertility desires, knowledge and use of contraception, use of maternal/child health ...
NGO is defined as "private family planning clinic" in the 1994 and 1997 surveys. 19 Chapter 2 Figure 2.3. Source of Contraception (Cont.) Figure 2.3f Kenya Government 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 (DHS) 1993 (DHS) 1998 (DHS) F. Ster. IUD Oral Inject Condom Pharmacy ...
Many owners envision passing down their vacation home for future generations to enjoy, but the lack of proper planning can often lead to intra-family disputes. Leaving a vacation home outright to children or other family members may be the easiest option, but the potential for discord over the...
This policy brief examines womens need for family planning in Arab countries drawing from national surveys of married women conducted over the past ten years by the Pan Arab Project for Family Health (PAPFAM) and the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). The brief also describes why countries ...
Staci Hannah GA DHS I have 3 caregivers that have used the program to train their respite providers. I have 2 caregivers who run an adult family care home and use it to train their staff. And, I have a gentlemen who refers back to the bathing and personal care section often to make...
Family planning acceptance remains a global health challenge especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where culture, religion, lack of knowledge and ignorance determine FPMs acceptance. The study investigated the differences in levels of acceptance of family planning methods among married persons in Abakaliki Educa...
Back in the planning stages of Walt Disney World Resort, after Walt had sadly passed, and the original idea of EPCOT would not come to fruition, some thought there could still be a way for folks to live IN Walt Disney World. They soon realized residents would have to vote on town govern...
DHS: Demographic and Health Survey EA: Enumeration area FMOH: Federal Ministry of Health HEW: Health extension worker IPPFP: Immediate postpartum family planning JHSPH: Johns Hopkins School of Public Health PMA: Performance Monitoring for Action PPFP: Postpartum family planning SDP: Serv...
(2017)). Lasee and Becker (1997) show, using DHS data from Kenya, that the wife’s beliefs about whether the husband approves of family planning and communication between spouses are highly correlated with contraceptive use, and that the wife’s beliefs about the husband’s preferences are ...