Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual 1 Introduction 1.2 Document Conventions 1.2.1 Device References This document encompasses information for all members of the Intel Fast Ethernet controllers: 82551, 82550, 82559, 82558, 82557 and the 82562. Note...
Additional support from general and mental health services accessed by family members is desired to assist carers to address the barriers to providing behaviour change support. Carers have the potential to support and extend health service interventions aimed at improving the chronic disease risk behaviou...
We thank Marius Müller for advice on experimental design, Yves Gally for running the SYRACO software, William Hutchison for help with GMT, Jean-Charles Mazur for laboratory assistance, and to Ian Probert for providing strains. Useful comments on the manuscript were provided by El Mahdi Bendif ...
However, little is understood about the effect of assistance dogs on the wellbeing of family members providing care to those with dementia. Our study included interviews conducted with family carers over a period of up to two years. We found that in addition to the positive effects on those ...
Members of the MIND panel are recruited among the public with a request for participation ''Do you have experience with mental health problems yourself or as a close one?". There are no other selection criteria. The panel consists of 4200 (former) patients and close ones. The members of ...
In addition to transport proteins, members of the SSS family show a distant similarity to the N-terminal domains of some sensor kinases of bacterial two component signal transduction pathways [26,27]. Initially it was not clear whether the SSS domain of the sensor kinases controls the kinase ...
In Arabidopsis sp., the CRK subfamily is structurally closely related to CDPKs and consists of eight members [1,2]. However, only a few of them have been characterized. AtCRK1 (also mentioned as AtCBK3) was reported to bind calmodulin (CaM) in a Ca2+-dependent manner, while ...
The major off-target of ARC-3126 was MAPKAP-K2 kinase with a residual activity of 13%; the other members of the MAPKAP family were not inhibited. The observed inhibition of CK2 in the kinase panel was most likely an assay artefact caused by the interaction of Arg-rich ARCs with the ...