日文 家庭成員 Family Members in Japanese本篇介紹家庭成員的 日文詞彙 和 發音,並分辨家庭成員稱謂的 敬語 及謙讓語。直接叫自己家人時 / 提及別人家人 Polite Form (按圖聽日語讀音)Full Screen1) 直接叫自己家人時,如對方為長輩,則用敬稱,如直呼自己媽媽 為「おかあさん」,自己爸爸為「おとうさん」,輩...
Words for family members and other relatives in Japanese. There are two sets of words for family in Japanese: one is used when talking about your family, and the other is used when talking about other people's families, and to older members of your own family. The former is labelled inf...
Especially in Western cultures, the modern family is today more of a consuming as opposed to a producing unit, and the members of the familyworkaway from home rather than at home. Public authorities, primarily governmental ones, have assumed many of the functions that the family used to provide...
Family in Japanese In today’s free lesson you’ll learn how to talk about yourfamily in Japanese. Practice your Japanese pronunciation as you listen to the audio, and while you’re at it – take a closer look at the different ways to say 'my' in Japanese....
Japanese language, alanguageisolate (i.e., a language unrelated to any other language) and one of the world’s major languages, with more than 127 million speakers in the early 21st century. It is primarily spoken throughoutthe Japanese archipelago; there are also some 1.5 million Japanese im...
JapaneseEnglish (Second Language)Second Language LearningBilingualismCode Switching (Language)MonolingualismLanguage AcquisitionLanguage UsageParent Child RelationshipEthnographyRecent developments in multilingualism research urge us to move beyond seeing bilingualism as 'double monolingualism' and towards "trans...
Words for family members and other relatives in a number of different languages. Alphabetical index | Index by language family Alphbetical index of the kinship pagesAfrikaans, Albanian, Armenian (Eastern), Armenian (Western) Belarusian, Bengali, Breton, Bulgarian Catalan, Chinese (Cantonese), ...
English as an International Language and 'Japanese English' We are a social animal. We grow up by socialization and in the process we acquire beliefs, worldviews, values, attitudes and other social norms and cultural traditions which are shared by members of the society, and which are reinforced...
How many members are there inyour family? ……….. Example 2: 私の家族は六人家族です。 Watashi nokazokuwarokuninkazokudesu. Myfamilyis a six-personfamily. ……….. Number 2: ★MotherinJapaneseisお母さん (okaasan)! ★When talking aboutyour motherto other people informal speechyou should...