To help, we've gathered a list of condolence messages and sympathy quotes to assist you in composing a text, writing a card or sending a message of support. Though yourkind gesturemay not ease their pain, it will remind them that you're sharing in the burden of their loss — and nothi...
Sending a sympathy card or expressing your condolences can be hard when you’re at a loss for words. It’s never easy finding the right message to convey your emotions when a loved one endures a difficult period or the loss of a loved one. However, expressing your sympathy with words and...
Whatever you choose to give including a sympathy card or handwritten message is a good idea. Writing out a comforting message may come easier to you than speaking it. Your loved one can open your note whenever they’re ready and read it as often as they want. And they’ll have a contin...
We extend our deepest sympathy to your and your family.Letter #3Words cannot express how sad I was to hear of your loss. Although I wasn't close to Jane, I always admired her energy and positive attitude as she came to greet you for lunch each day. She must have been a magnificent ...
Clearly, sympathy applause, but we will take what we can get! Easter symbolizes many things, but for me, it represents a rebirth. Thirty years ago, our family reconnected with our extended family. Our mighty clan was reborn, and we have been moving forward ever since. My cousins are ...
Will There Be A 'Sex/Life' Season 3 on Netflix? Mongelli, 54, was treated for prostate cancer last year. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 1,239, This story has been shared 1,087 times. Angela Philippa Petra (Bonanno) Palazzolo,...
And when I didn’t join in with the laughter or sympathy the way I was supposed to, I became the problem. That was when I became the target of jokes about my sensitivity, my looks, my eating habits, etc. I was a rich target, they told me, because I always “overreacted.” I ...
at St James’ Palace. “It is the greatest consolation to me to know of the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister [Princess Anne] and my brothers [Prince AndrewandPrince Edward] and that such overwhelming affection and support should be extended to our whole family in our loss.” ...
(child, old parent) in order to gain, in her capacity as a caretaker, the attention, praise, and sympathy of medical care providers. Both syndromes are forms of shared psychosis (folie a deux or a plusieurs) and “crazy-making” with hospital staff as unwilling and unwitting participants ...
So what to text a friend who had a miscarriage? Say, “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m here for you, whether you want to talk or need help.” Listen actively, be empathetic, and respect their need for space or conversation during their grieving process. ...