Family Law and Practice Handbook, 2013-2014 ed. (Vol. 21, Colorado Practice Series)Frank McGuane, Jr
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At The Siemon Law Firm Divorce and Family Law Attorneys, P.C., our lawyers understand the importance you place on your relationships with your children. You may have helped raise your spouse’s son or daughter from a previous relationship, and now he or she is refusing to let you see the...
衝突文化和國外的法律制度為尋求國際離婚的家庭創造了無數的困難,然而理想法律團隊的律師可以為您服務。 我們的律師已準備好了解其他國家關於婚姻的各種法律。為了反映客戶的多樣性,我們提供普通話,台語,粵語和西班牙語服務。儘管國際離婚法存在不確定性和不一致之處,但我們能夠通過對其他文化、習俗和價值觀的敏銳理解...
Amy’s diverse experience in several areas of law allows her to provide quality legal advice to her clients. Read Full Profile LOCATION / CONTACT INFORMATION The Family Law Practice of Leslie S. Arzt, LLC 2002 South Queen Street York, Pennsylvania 17403 ...
Gemberling•Allen P.A. is a team dedicated to the practice of family law. Each of our attorneys has been recognized by their peers as among the most highly qualified and effective in their field. You will appreciate our commitment to client relationshi
2 Family law has moved from a fairly narrow tort-like system of fault and compensation to a very complicated system that at times resembles a partner-ship dissolution, a criminal prosecution, or a family therapy ses-sion, depending on the context. The world of legal practice has changed in ...
“An exceptional legal team who can be counted on for any family law related matter. I would strongly recommend them to anyone in need of a family lawyer.”M.P. “Despite my husband throwing up every possible roadblock, Mr. Birnboim fought through every one and got me an extraordinary re...
Linking Law-Related Education to Reducing Violence by and against Youth. ERIC Digest participation: In order to develop the skills and predispositions for resolving conflict peaceably, children need to be given opportunities to practice these ... C Pereira - ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Socia...
Our family law attorneys have worked with spousal support issues in both Nevada and California for over 20 years. Spousal support issues that may arise include the duration of the spousal support award; the methods of calculating the award; the factors taken into consideration by the court; and...