Family history research is popular in England. As a social practice it straddles social class and is confined to neither the middle nor the working classes, but shows an enthusiastic and flourishing interest in the workings of social class and in micro-histories of the region. This article ...
If you are researching the history of your English family in Kent and need some professional help, please contact me. I have been researching in Kent since 1978. Since then I have built up a great deal of specific experience with Kent local and family history research sources and research me...
15,400 Place Names in England (221 KB, expands to 2.65 MB) Family Group Sheet (FGS) form (45 KB, expands to 66 KB) Getting past research brick walls(1) Getting past research brick walls(2) NGS standards for genealogy email me
There’s what you might call the gateway ancestor– and the idea of history and genealogy is that’s normally somebody that is so well documented that their descendants are well known – in England it’s something like Edward III. And we’re all probably d...
Family History for Youth Our YouTube Channel has 200+ family history videos in a wide variety of topics. Playlists include Quick Research Basics, Activities, Show Me, Spotlights, etc. YouTube Channel The Trainers menu provides tools so you can teach any family history topic right from our web...
Jones Last Name History & Origin Add Summary The Jones family name is a popular Celtic (specifically Welsh) name that originated in the United Kingdom where Jones remains one of the most common surnames. The name Jones was first documented in 1279 in Huntingdonshire England. In addition to...
Several websites, however, do make such assertions: House of Names at “Smith Name Meaning, Family History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms,” for example, connects early references to Smith families from north-eastern England to Cornwall as if they were all related and had the same coat of ...
York England +44 (0)1904 622243 Yorkshire’s leading research professionals with over 35 years research experience! Researchers for the USA edition of the very popular TV show…Wh...
Cavenagh, Mainwaring, and Cudmore: A journal of family history Champions from Normandy C F C Crespigny nee Dana Pink Hats on Gentle Ladies: second edition by Vida and Daniel Clift Index A to Z challenges DNA research UK trip 2019 World War 1 Whitmore, Staffordshire Beggs family index Bolt... history studies Family historydesigns, which also have a long history in psychiatric research, examine the extent to which family members, usually first degree relatives of a proband, or the “target” patient, are affected by a disorder. The central drawback of the family his...