Family history of psychiatric illness as a risk factor for schizoaffective disorder: a Danish register-based cohort study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62(8):841-848. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.62.8.841ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 33. Lichtenstein P, Yip BH, Björk C, et ...
Family history is an easy tool and need to be coded and implimented in most visits in order to get the best information of the potential health and disease of the patients. FH frequency is very low and varies with gender and age. The literature suggests that implementing it routinely in ...
2) a history of alcohol or drug abuse, 3) serious physical illness, 4) abnormal hearing or vision, 5) any suicidal intention or behaviors(e.g., jumping from heights, hanging oneself, consuming a lethal dose of drugs) during the period of self-injury, and 6) refusal to participate in ...
Ball C: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the use of methylphenidate: a survey of the views of General Practitioners Psychiatric Bulletin 2001, 25:301-304 Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:
This cohort study investigates the risk of benign breast diseases in women by age, hormonal breast cancer risk factors, and family history of breast
Being aware of your family history of heart disease and your own unexplained or worsening symptoms is an important first step. People with HCM may think they have asthma, anxiety, or another heart-related condition.[6] It is easy to think, "It's nothing," or "I'm just out of shape ...
We sent registration forms to the family doctors inquiring about the patients' co-morbid diseases by the ICD-10, number of visits to the family doctor and number of days on sick- leave due to all causes between January 2003 and Decem- ber 2005, and disability. The doctors were asked to ...
INTRODUCTION Unlike the West, in India, family is the key resource in the care of patients with mental illness. Families assume the role of primary caregivers for two reasons. First, it is because of the Indian tradition of interdependence and concern fo
If the visit is classified as requiring more complex decision-making (i.e., 99,214–5), the attending must directly participate in aspects of patient care such as obtaining the history, examining the patient, and making decisions. In con- trast, if the visit is classified as requiring less...
Parenting a child with learning disabilities (LDs) can not only be a fulfilling experience, but also a challenging one which can increase parenting stress