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The caregiver health effects study. JAMA 1999, 282:2215-2219. 15. Skaff MM, Pearlin LI, Mullan JT: Transitions in the caregiving career: effects on sense of mastery. Psychology and Aging 1996, 11:247-257. 16. Gaugler JE, Zarit SH, Pearlin LI: The onset of dementia caregiving and its...
As we enter 2025, Aleenta Phuket Phang Nga Resort & Spa is redefining luxury with a renewed focus on exceptional dining, refined accommodation, and holistic wellness. Our commitment to creating meaningful experiences remains at the heart of everything we do, ...
Pearlin, L.I.; Bierman, A. Current issues and future directions in research into the stress process. InHandbook of the Sociology of Mental Health (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research); Aneshensel, C.S., Phelan, J.C., Bierman, A., Eds.; Springer: New York, NY, USA, 2013; ...
The protocol was approved with an exemption determination per 21CFR56.104 and 45CFR46.104(b)(4), and received a waiver of informed consent by the ethics committee of Pearl IRB (Indianapolis, IN, USA; protocol number 22-MONT-102). To evaluate the efficacy of the pBT model on child behavior...