Family Guy is a comedy show. So it's not supposed to be intense or violent, but the violence can be over the top though. Some characters may act intense or anxious at times. Moderate/Severe in a lot of episodes. This show is about the misadventures of a family man in a Rhode Island...
Adult Education: Directed by Steve Robertson. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. Meg comes home from Russia after realizing she was used for a green card marriage; Chris joins Principal Shepherd in shooting pornos at Adam West H
Teacher's Heavy Pet: Directed by Steve Robertson, Dominic Bianchi, James Purdum. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. Chris gets into the cool kids club when Lois joins his school as a substitute teacher.
Family Guy (TV Series 1999– ) Alex Borstein as Lois Griffin, Tricia Takanawa, Barbara Pewterschmidt, Loretta Brown, Additional Voices, Old Lady, Jewish Woman, Woman, Barbara Pewderschmidt, Girl, Lois Griffin as Princess Leia, Mother, Nicole, Wife, Asian
Cleveland/Herbert/Bruce/Consuela/Greased-up Deaf Guy Played by:Mike Henry Bonnie Swanson Played by:Jennifer Tilly Mort Goldman/Horrace/Mr Weed Played by:John G. Brennan Adam West Played by:Adam West Meg Griffin #1 Played by:Lacey Chabert ...
They want to have a wife and kids,and be a couple that fits into what everyone thinks they should be. But eventually the guy wants to find some one to have sex with, or they build up stress from living a lie. They love their children and care for their wife, but it doesn't feel...
又 名恶搞之家 "Family Guy" 编剧David Zuck...Steve Call... 主 演艾利克斯·布诺斯町赛斯·格林米拉·库妮丝Mike HenryDanny Smith 剧情 彼得总是傻傻的可爱说着他的家庭:他的妻子是一个沉溺于宝贝儿子的调皮的乐趣之中,每天她都在设想怎么去控制她那一岁的儿子,一岁等等布赖恩天生就是一个捣蛋鬼,他会想出...
加载中... 00:00/00:00 S13E11 Encyclopedia Griffinfamilyguy 恶搞之家 中年小侦探 dicksforkids 治愈的十月 拳击那点事发布于:江西省2024.01.06 00:00 +1 首赞 S13E11 Encyclopedia Griffin familyguy 恶搞之家 中年小侦探 dicksforkids 治愈的十月…...
Family Guy Season 22 15 episodes CTV 2023 Animation, Comedy English audio CC 14+ 8,853 This animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter and his stay-at-home wife, Lois...
Aliyah’s father suffered from heart problems and wanted his daughter to be taken care of after his death. He gave his blessing for her to marry a 23-year-old Guyanese Muslim. She met him in June 2002. They were married in a religious ceremony in August, after her high school graduatio...