Quagmire's Dad: Directed by Pete Michels, James Purdum, Peter Shin. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. Quagmire's dad undergoes a sex change, and Brian, who was out of town for a seminar, ends up sleeping with him after the sex
In the uncensored version of "Chris Cross", Meg reveals that she gets mail from the Netherlands as part of a group that "fucks up" Anne Frank's house each year. Meg explains to Lisa Simpson in "The Simpsons Guy" that when she gets upset, she beats up cats. She also cuts Lisa's ...
Chorus: Lucky there's a family guy, lucky there's a fella, sweeter than vanilla, wholesome as a piece of-Stewie: Apple PieChorus: He's a family guyLois: His smile's a simple delightChris: He lets me see the boobies on the internet sitesLois: Peter!Meg: He bought me my cute ...
Between Brian barfing up a storm after realizing who Ida was (reminiscent of the infamous ipecac sequence from Season 4), Quagmire beating the living daylights out of him, and Brian fighting back with the line quoted above, it was classic Family Guy all the way,Brain和Quagmire爸的one-night...
In this brilliant episode,Family Guyspoofed three classic films/booksby one of the greatest authors to ever live, Stephen King. The first involves an adventure where Peter, Cleveland, Joe, and Quagmire are turned into the four boys fromStand By Me, the second involves Brian becoming the noveli...
I hate Quagmire and think he's the worst character on the show but I'm so glad he killed this guy. That's the first time I like him in a long time. But he still sucks. Jeffery:- Physically beats up his girlfriend.- Doesn't care what she wants and needs.- Made his girlfriend...