My team sent baby clothes to me during my leave and welcomed me with warmly meal first day back to work. They helped me enjoy a smooth work transfer and my leader arranged a check in right on my first day back which helped me settle back into hub life. Digital Talent Acquisition Manager...
If you’ve been consistently exceeding expectations at work and it’s been a while since you’ve received a raise or promotion, it’s time toask for what you deserve. Check out industry sites likeGlassdoorto find out what people in your position and in your area are making. Perhaps over...
“I started at Hunter Industries on August 31, 1987, as a mold designer. When I started, we basically just had the PGP. Since then, we’ve designed and built our own molding machines. We design products, so everything happens here. Then we send finished goods out the door. Under one...
handprintsoffthepanesofaslidingglassdoorwouldbeconsideredaslice-of-life commercial. (True;) 45.Allhouseholdsarefamilies. (False;) 46.Familyhouseholdsaremorenumerousthannonfamilyhouseholds. (True;) 47.Marketersfrequentlytargetparentslookingforassistanceinthetaskofsocializing ...
, becoming president in 2005. Today Wegman, along with her sister Nicole, oversees 47,000 staff at the $8.3 billion-a-year chain, which operates 97 stores around the US. Last year, she received a 95% chief executive approval rating from employees, according to recruitment websiteGlassdoor....
As Ethan reflects on his journey to grow his family, he sees how far he has come and appreciates what he has. “To be honest, when I came out I wasn’t sure I could have a family,” shares Ethan. “I was first lucky to find someone who wanted to spend the rest of his ...
Glassdoor Simply Hired Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Loading... Reentry Posted onSeptember 27, 2014byRob Back to school in the Pacific Northwest As we close in on a month since we moved back into our house in Portland and enrolled the kids in school, it seemed time to revi...