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The parents of five-year-old Elsa, and one-year-old Billy, constructed their home out of a horse box, a couple of flatbed trailers and caravans, with an abandoned 4x4 as a spare room.The farm cost £25,000 to set up and build “We made it all from scratch, some wood, ...
The Northern central highlands are mostly farm country, with mountainous fields that look like quilts of greenery. Their patterns and beauty seem to have the power to grab ahold of our gaze and redefine it. Our intention was to stop somewhere in the northern highlands but all we saw were f...
Joe's Trees, a Christmas tree farm started by the lateJoe Miller Sublettin Craig County, Virginia, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012. SeeJoesTrees.comfor more information. The nearbyfamily homeofJoe and Erma Sublettis nowavailable to rentfor family getaways. ...
A TRENDY TRAVEL TOPIC these days is “Agro-Tourism.” It takes many forms, from working, farm vacations (Ugh! Sounds like Mom & Dad – mostly Dad – attempting to instill “work ethic” in the kids; good luck with that!), and visits to wineries, with wine-tastings and local cuisine...
also reported that self-employed NIPF owners tend to be significantly younger than those who are not self-employed, and NIPF owners who self-harvest tend to live close to their forests and farms, while NIPF owners who only do tending do not live close to their forests and do not farm....