"Just like coronary arteries, peripheral arteries can become diseased," says Michel Barsoum, M.B., Ch.B., a cardiologist and vascular medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic Health System in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire and Rice Lake, Wisconsin. "This condition, calledperipheral artery disease, or PAD...
I give my clients glow stick necklaces for their kids to bring along. They are easily bought at the dollar store. I tell parents to throw them in the kids’ beds on the first night for fun, so they aren’t scared. They also have their own flashlight to get to the bathroom if ...
It was about circulated dollar coins of the Twentieth Century. Double Eagle Coin Club May Meeting - The May meeting had 16 members and five guests that attended. Rebecca Reid was voted in as a new member! Our guests were, Lani, Kitty and J.E. Cotton, Claire and David Bartlett. Mr. ...
you never really know how much you have. If you don’t know that you are broke or going broke, you won’t think twice when you blow a dollar here or there, or 20 dollars here or there.
BRICK — If you've been going without your daily lunch and coffee purchases in order to pad your savings, maybe you have enough now to purchase this set of riverfront mansions. No? Well, it's still fun to dream. And you can at least take a look around, and inside, thanks to close...