My complaint is for the store location 757 w Broadway council bluffs iowa. I am a frequent shopper at this Family Dollar. I would say I shop there at least 3 or 4 times a week. It's been going on for a couple of months now and I have just been tolerating it, but now it's jus...
FamilyTies第1季 S01E01 Ican’tbelieveyouguyscanwatchthis.我不敢相信你们能看这个 Youlookridiculous.你看起来很可笑 Halfamillionpeopletryingtostopasenselesswar.50万人试图阻止一场毫无意义的战争 Youfindthatridiculous?你觉得这很荒谬 I’mtalkingabouttheoutfits.我说的是服装 I’mdying.I’mdying.我快死了...