Echoes of Home: Mapping Vulnerable Places for Cantonese‐Speaking Immigrants Seeking Family Doctors in the Greater Toronto Areadoi:10.1155/2024/1980874Liu, DongLee, JinhyungZhong, ShiranGilliland, JasonLu, NanHealth & Social Care in the Community...
Those words comes from a few famous psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors of marriage and family counseling. 以下是来自几位在婚姻家庭咨询方面非常著名的心理学者、专家的话。 2. In certain instances, individual or family counseling might be helpful. 某些情况下,可以去寻求个人...
Cars honk, phones buzz: Liberal Bay Area reacts with joy after Biden, Harris win election Dr. Maynard Douglas Driver was one of the first Black doctors in Oakland. Photo: family But as his son, Brad Driver of Belmont, tells it, his father was a pioneer in the medical field, among the...
girl’s 8. Green’s 9. bird’s 10. farmers’11. women’s 12. cat’s 13. tree’s 14. writer’s 15. moon’s 16. doctors’17. of 18. My 19. of 20. teacher’s 21. Tom’s 22. of 23. of 24. of 25. to 26. of 27. Its 28. His 29. her 30. their...
My mother says that it can help us keephealthy(保持健康).41. How many cousins does Xing Fei have?A. Five. B.Four.C.Six.D. Seven.42. How old is Xing Fei's grandmother?A.80.B.82.C.99.D.85.43. Xing Fei's parents areA. teachers B. doctorsC. nursesD. writers44. Is Xing Fei...
Somefamilieshave farmed in this area for hundreds of years. 有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。 牛津词典 This painting has been in ourfamilyfor generations. 这幅画是我们家的传家宝。 牛津词典 They have a largefamily. 他们的子女成群。 牛津词典 ...
早在6700年前就创造了塔山古文化,是长江流域史前文化的有力补充 Xiangshan County occupies middle Zhejiang Province the coast, is located between the Xiangshan port and the Sanmen, is located middle Zhejiang Province the coast.Total area 6510 square kilometers, in which land area 1175 square kilo...
work in tackling obesity among our patients can have a positive impact on the environment as well. As amily doctors we also need to lead by example, ensuring that we provide our medi- cal services in an environmentally sustainable manner, conscious o the environmental impact ...
I have a happy family . There are three people in my family. They are father, mother and me. Let me talk about my family to you. My father is a businessman. He is tall and handsome. He always works hard and he tries to do everything best. In his free time, he likes reading ...
;5.(P51)Weareafamily,togetheror___. 我们是一家人,无论在一起还是在远方。;名词;名词;名词;名词;名词;注意:s所有格后的名词为住所、商店或办公场所等时, 该名词常可省略。如:Jacks表示杰克家;thedoctors 表示诊所。 (1)Thisis___room.Theyaresisters.;(2)Theumbrellaisbeautiful.Itis___umbrella. (3...