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In this piece a New York Family Lawyer and aManhattan Divorce Lawyerfrom our office have combined to give you a background of both Family Law and Matrimonial Law in New York. Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of the law, the Court System and how to protect the rights ...
having a court system that can holistically address such matters is vitally important.This chapter advocates that a unified family court is the most efficient problem-
This application provides the full text of the New York Family Court Act in an easily readable and searchable format for your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Prod…
The article discusses the highlights of the conference "Family Court in New York City in the 21st Century: What Are Its Role and Responsibilities?," hosted by the Justice Center of the New York County Lawyers' Association (NYCLA). The conference aims to reassess the way in which family ...
Mia was very thorough in preparing usfor the different scenarios, explaining how different laws might affect our case. She is very detail oriented.Her strength, commitment, and knowledge made us feel less afraidin court.She fought for us, and she was honest with us along the way. ...
Call Barre Law to assist you with family immigration petitions, asylum applications, immigration denial litigation & much more in New York, NY.
New York Family Law Experts Why Work With Dikman & Dikman Dikman & Dikman has developed three generations of experience, dating back to 1936 when the Hon. Leo Dikman, a former Family Court Judge in the City of New York, opened his law office in New York City on Jamaica Avenue in ...
Esq. who is now an administrative judge for matrimonial matters for the State of New York, has appeared in all Supreme and Family Courts in New York. He has argued before the Appellate Division before the First, Second, and Third Department as well as the Court of Appeals. He also special...