HOW LONG WILL MY DIVORCE TAKE? Sadly, in San Diego and the state of California,family lawcourts’ calendars are often full. For this reason, the divorce process usually lasts between eight and 20 months, with 15 months being the average. Unscrupulous divorce lawyers in San Diego take advantag...
such as divorce, child custody, and guardianship, among others. Family lawyers can serve as mediators during family disputes and represent clients in court when necessary. Here are several key roles that family lawyers fulfill.
From questions about co-parenting arrangements to delays in court proceedings to the shift to remote proceedings, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge effect on family law matters. As soon as the pandemic hit in early 2020, the questions started rolling in. “Family law lawyers are constantly...
Finding the Balance in Tri-Parenting Agreements An Overview on Mediation and Collaborative Law What Happens if Your Ex-Spouse Leaves the State and Isn't Paying Spousal Support? State Family Law articles California Colorado Connecticut Florida