New York State Judiciary Seeks Increase in Funds, Family Court JudgesChampagne, Denise M
The decision to prevent publication of the names of the judges involved in deciding historic custody arrangements for Sara Sharif was highly unusual. The successful appeal against it went to the heart of the principles of open justice and the importance of proper transparency and scrutiny of decisio...
Regardless of whether or not that perception is true, the need exists for attorneys that are passionate about making sure fathers understand their rights and that fathers do not give up based on their belief that family court judges view mothers more favorably when determining custody (Spradlin, ...
The family law system in Australia depends upon many legal and socio-legal professionals. In the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) itself, the key players are judges, registrars, family consultants and child experts (social workers and psychologists) and other registry staff. ...
"By tracing the origins and persistence of the Great Idea behind the family court--that judges can save children by fixing them and their families--Jane Spinak shows how the court not only has failed to achieve its asserted therapeutic mission, but also has inflicted tremendous...
The above is only a sampling of the vast realm of family law. Family law attorneys must undergo rigorous schooling and examinations to ensure they know the family laws applicable to New York residents. Family law attorneys are also well-versed in family court practices and procedures. ...
Court.27 An appeal may be brought as a matter of right to the Appeals division of theFamily Court of Australiasitting with three judges, and a further appeal may be made to the High Court of Australia, if the Appeals division or the High Court certifies that a question of law has ...
but the impact of this controversy on judicial decision making is unknown.This study examined 110 care arrangement Decisions made in relation to children aged younger than four years as determined by the New Zealand Family Court.Also of interest, was the reasoning used as reflected in judges' wri...
Further, judges reported that their decisions to terminate parental rights were complicated when older children did not wish to be adopted or separated from their families, as well as by concerns that children would lose all ties to their birth families, after having known and been with them ...
complex high-conflict divorce, custody and family problems, personality and psychological disorders. With advanced training and experience in these areas, my expertise is frequently sought after by attorneys, arbitrators, mediators and Superior Court Judges across New Jersey for the most dynamic of ...