So I saw my breast surgeon first. All was good on exam. That was a relief. I began a discussion about the above, and was really upset by her flippant response. I was told I was reading too much on the internet. I was told that there was no conversation about possibly removing my i...
5. Juniper EF, Willms DG, Guyatt GH and Ferrie PJ: Aqueous beclom- ethasone dipropionate nasal spray in the treatment of sea- sonal (ragweed) rhinitis. Journal of the Canadian Medical Association 1992, 147(6):887-892. 6. Ricard N, Kind P, Christian S, Jensen M and Stewart J: Link...
When it comes to drippy, stuffy noses, Saline Nose Spray is awesome. Small kids really haven’t mastered the art of blowing their noses. Saline helps to break up mucus and thin it out so it is easier and more effective when you blow. It also moisturizes raw and painful nasal passages. ...