Other aspects of family background explain only a small portion of the self-employment gap between African-Americans and native-born white ancestry groups. Male immigrants who have self-employed fathers overseas are no more likely to be self-employed than other immigrants are. 展开 ...
Long-term Oral Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer Using oral contraceptives for long periods or using them when one has other risk factors has been hypothesized to increase the risk of breast cancer. To study these issues, we analyzed data from a multicenter, case-control investigat...
Learning different aspects of each other Get together 聚在一起 Meet up Immediate family 直系亲属 Spouse, parents, children, grandparents Long lost friend 失联多年的朋友 A friend that you have lost contact with Long-term relationships 长期关系 A committed relationship between partners Nurture our frien...
Young people in Turkey today receive conflicting messages from their parents on the one hand and the mass media on the other. Specifically, parents prescribe strict codes of conduct in terms of how males and females should feel, behave and dress. The images projected by the media in regard to...
2 Background 2.1 The 1994 reform of the Dutch child-benefit system Child benefit (Kinderbijslag) was first instituted in the Netherlands in 1941 and then incorporated in the so-called Algemene Kinderbijslagwet or General Child Benefit Act in 1962. Similar to other countries, the Dutch child...
ICH7 contains the primary PCI interface, LPC interface, USB2, SATA, ATA-100, and other I/O functions. It communicates with the (G)MCH over a proprietary interconnect called DMI. For the 82G41 GMCH, the term Intel ICH in this document refers to the ICH7. In Order Queue Liquid Crystal ...
They were also more likely to believe in the use of sex as a means to control their partners and were less likely to think that being married or involved in a long-term relationship was important. These data must be taken into considerations by the AIDS control programme in Jamaica when ...
Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Work and family represent distinct but strongly interconnected life domains, such that demands from one domain can spill over into the other domain. Greenhaus and Beutell (1985, p. 77) defined work–family conflict as “a form of interrole conflict in which...
A new grandparent identity measure is constructed that allows us to compare grandparent identity meanings with the meanings of other adult identities and to investigate the relationships between identities and well-being. Methods. Data were collected in 1997 from 203 older grandmothers and grandfathers...
Background on Instrumentalist Family Planning For decades, family planning advocates, economists, demographers of fertility, and other thinkers have portrayed population growth as an existential global threat. In 1969, US President Richard Nixon called population growth “One of the most serious challenges...