需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 家庭和朋友入门手册Family and Friends Starter Workbook.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 专业人士编写的,内容优质,墙裂推荐 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:aldshendong ...
Naomi Simmons
Module 1 Family and Friends Unit 1 Family and Relatives <teaching aims> 一.知识与技能:掌握单词:,relative, granddaughter, family tree , else, grandson, only, member, friendly, helpful, member, classmate, shop, hardworking, cycle, go cycling…理解词组: family tree, go cycling, go ...
《Family and Friends》介绍 Family and Friends牛津“友邻”少儿英语中国版是一套原版进口的少儿英语课程,共七个级别。 7个级别的课程让学生轻松学会英语课标要求的1600个核心词汇/词组和65项语法和句型,更可在阅读中接触额外的1000多个词汇!学生在丰富的语言输入下,能够更好地应用英语,摆脱“哑巴英语”问题。牛津“...
6A Module 1 Family and friends Unit 1 Family and relatives First Period Language Targets : 1. Vocabulary: granddaughter, grandson, cousin 2. Function: Using demonstratives to refer to people e.g., These are my family and relatives. This is my grandfather. 3. Talking about one’s family ...
Family and Friends完整版- Starter Workbook
1 《Family and Friends》介绍 Family and Friends牛津“友邻”少儿英语中国版是一套原版进口的少儿英语课程,共七个级别。 7个级别的课程让学生轻松学会英语课标要求的1600个核心词汇/词组和65项语法和句型,更可在阅读中接触额外的1000多个词汇!学生在丰富的语言输入下,能够更好地应用英语,摆脱“哑巴英语”问题。牛津...
Have the students choose a friend and talk about him or her, and then draw a picture of this friend 做说说,画画的游戏,调节课堂节奏,巩固语言点 2.Listen and write Do Part B on page 22 of the Workbook 延伸教学,为下一课的学习做铺垫 Module 2Me, my family and friends Unit 1My friends Pe...
Family and Friends 3 workbook 星级: 120 页 Family and Friends 2 Workbook 星级: 120 页 family and friends 1 workbook 1-外文资料电子书 星级: 115 页 Family and Friends 教案 星级: 4页 project1 my family and friends 星级: 4页 Friends and Family 星级: 19 页 Friends and Family 星级...
八年级英语Module 4 My Family and friends Unit1 How long have you lived here?课件外研版 Unit1Howlonghaveyoulivedhere?Howlonghaveyoulivedhere?We’velivedheresinceNovember.I’velivedheresince1999.Mygrandparentshavelivedherefor40years.Past1998 For10yearsSince1998 PresentNow Since用来说明动作起始时间,for...