Paperback Book How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends? Grades Pre-K - 1 $5.96$7.95 save to wishlist Come along and laugh in the tenth full-sized book in this highly acclaimed series, as little ones make friends and stay friends...the dinosaur way!
Family and Friends: Level 6 Stand alone Student Access Card 类型:其它类型ISBN13:9780194811712 如需订购。请联系澜瑞客服获取最新的价格信息。 (因供应商数据更新原因,价格信息无法在网页上直接显示。) 合作物流商:DHL,FedEx,京东快递,顺丰快递,邮政EMS。
1、Book 5 Unit 1 My family,My Friends and ILesson 1 Dialogs/Vocabulary一、设计思想针对五年级学生的心理特征,心理特征,结合新课程提出的以学 生发展为宗旨, 以提高学生的运用英语进行交际的目标, 培养学生综 合运用语言的能力,因此,在本节课中,我借助多媒体课件,采用多 样化的教学手段, 将单词和句型有效...
练习用be动词的适当形式填空1.Bob___aboy.2.We___students.3.I___fromLuZhou.4.She___tall.5.LucyandLily___goodfriends.6.___thebagcheap?isareamisareIs be动词句式构成一般现在时肯定句:主语+be(am,is,are)+其他.Eg:Heisateacher.2.否定句:主语+be(am,is,are)+not+其他.Eg:Heisnotateacher...
Family & Friends Book 5-Portrait of Dorian Gray Homeworkcheck Isthemanyoungandhandsome?ThePictureofDorianGray •Listentotherecording.•Askquestionsaboutthetext.•Answerthequestions.•1.WhopaintedtheportraitofDorian?•2.WhatdidDorianwishfor?•3.Wheredidhekeeptheportrait?•4.Howdidtheportrait...
Step 1 1.Ask the students to listen to the song on student’s book page 17. 2.At the same time, place the picture cards on the blackboard. Step 2 1.Act out an action and say “I can … (action).” Have the students repeat. E.g. T: I can read. S: I can read. While-ta...
You can access Online Practice using the access card in your Family and Friends 2nd Edition Teacher’s Book Plus. Student access codes are in the Workbook with Online Practice and on standalone cards. Online Practice is compatible on a range of platforms. It can be used with a laptop, PC...
Family & friends I wanna be related to Eleanor of Aquitaine, I thought to myself yesterday. This wasn’t entirely random. I had read through a copy of my ahnentafel (genealogical) table, compiled by my grandfather many years ago. I have piles and piles of material from him, arranged in...
(一)单词讲解New words and expressions 1、until [ən'tɪl] prep. 直到 ① prep. 直到…时候 till 直到(多用于口语) eg. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 有时候我一直躺到吃午饭的时候。 eg. The street is full of cars from morning till/to night. 这条街上从早到晚的挤满了车辆...