U1-L4Phonics-1 51 2023-03 7 U1-L3Song-2 25 2023-03 6 U1-L3Song-1 38 2023-03 5 U1-L1Words-3 31 2023-03 4 U1-L1Words-2 45 2023-03 3 U1-L1Words-1 49 2023-03 2 U1-Fluency time-2 52 2023-03 1 U1-Fluency time-1
Family and Friends牛津“友邻”少儿英语中国版是一套原版进口的少儿英语课程,共七个级别。牛津“友邻”系列结合了独到的自然发音拼读教学、强大的语言技能训练和快速推进高效的综合教学大纲,并将课程精神延伸到课堂外英语教学延伸到课堂外,推广家庭与友谊的价值观。作者简介 Naonmi Simmons专注于编写少儿英语教材长达20...
擅长捉人的高木正雄创建的收藏夹1内容:《牛津友邻英语Family and Friends》国际学校必备教材 全套精讲课程,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Family and Friends Edition (原版进口牛津“友邻”小学英语)全系列包含Starter和Level 1-6共计7个级别,适合学前班及整个小学阶段使用。可与牛津“友邻”幼儿英语课程配套使用,合成9年制英语课程。 牛津“友邻”系列英语教材,快节奏的语言输入,系统高效;强大的技能训练,极富挑战性;独一无二的自然拼读课程,还有公民德...
Family and Friends牛津“友邻”少儿英语是一套原版进口的少儿英语课程,共七个级别。牛津“友邻”系列结合了独到的自然发音拼读教学、强大的语言技能训练和快速推进高效的综合教学大纲,并将课程精神延伸到课堂外英语教学延伸到课堂外,推广家庭与友谊的价值观。
·FluencyTime 流畅会话时间 -每三个单元之后开放一个“流畅会话时间”,将实用的日常用语慢慢地渗透给...
Family and friends 62页Fluency Time 262020-09 10 Family and Friends 60页 --Wei 422020-09 查看更多 猜你喜欢 6206 思维版图 by:微雨星辰 2079 思维版图 by:暮羲钓翁 689 思维导图 by: 4487 思维导图 by:陌兮公子 8246 思维导图 by:宋莹驿站 3164 思维导图 by:健康美丽红叶 733 思维导图 by:男低...
New Family and Friends 2nd Edition combines brand-new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features teachers love from the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique phonics programme, civic education and comprehensive testing. ...
Refers to those public agencies that are charged with responsibility for child protection and foster care systems. Doubled up A form of homelessness wherein families involuntarily live in tenuous and temporary conditions in the homes of friends or families. A term used in child welfare. It refers...
Features for Family and Friends 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections. 牛津“友邻”少儿英语独家提供: 1) 7个级别的少儿英语课程,可与牛津“友邻”幼儿英语课...