and children) come to library for studying and doing cultural activities including games, storytelling, creative performances, and so on, causes not only the unity between the library and the community, but also leads to an increased tendency to libraries, promotes culture of studying and developing...
This study investigates the influence of family solidarity, community structure, information access, social capital, and socioeconomic status on the extent of nutrition and health knowledge (NHK) among primary household meal planners. In turn, we pose the question: does this knowledge influence ...
to an urban network of gay male friends. The essays and website materials collected forIn Solidaritydemonstrate how Tillmann has mobilized the raised consciousness acquired along and since that journey in her continued research, campus and community advocacy and activism, teaching, and everyday life....
affection and solidarity, clouds the reality of sex classes and privatizing women within them. It also downgrades those who don’t belong to it, culturally and legally, undeterred by
Someone once told me, “You can empower and educate yourself to the fullest extent, but your community will remain the same.” As an organizer, this quote stuck to me. I have always wanted to build a space for Hmong Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBT...
Both group therapy and family therapy can be effective interventions for a variety of concerns. Group therapy can provide a sense of solidarity and remind people they’re not alone in their struggles, while family therapy can help bring families closer by improving communication and incr...
2002. Soviet community spirit and the fight over the rural future of the Baltic countries. Eastern European Countryside 8:15–29. Google Scholar Alanen, Ilkka. 2004. The transformation of agricultural systems in the Baltic countries – a critique of the World Bank’s concept. In Mapping the ...
Family fidelity is a deeply rooted ideal, and family solidarity is emphasized, especially in contrast to those who do not belong to the family. Within the family, the connection between spouses and the connection between parents and children is not emphasized, which expands the range of family ...
Larissa A. Lomnitz and Marisol Perez-Lizaur, for example, describe the grand-family as "the basic unit offamily solidarityin Mexico", where basic family obligations between grandparents, children, and grandchildren include "economic support, participation in family rituals, and social recognition". ...
All vendors selling a range of produce at a marketplace in Luyuan community of Beijing's Xicheng district support mobile payments, and consumers can scan QR codes to pay through WeChat Wallet or Alipay. Nadal, Djokovic made to work before progressing in Madrid MADRID, May 10 (Xinhua) -- No...