“Familiar Wife” is a 2018 South Korean drama series directed by Lee Sang Yeob. News Apr 16, 20244 Bingeable Rom-Coms Like “Wedding Impossible” That Are Perfect For Spring Jul 05, 20235 Romances Like “My Perfect Stranger” To Watch For More Time Travel & Second Chances Mar 22, 2023...
Joo-hyuk tries to walk away, but Hye-won spits that he’s not the same as he used to be when he did everything she said. He asks what he used to be like, and if he would even die if she said so. Hye-won says in disbelief, “You don’t want to live with me anymore, do ...
But I’m happy with the timeline they’ve settled in, which does seem to have the best outcome for nearly everyone. This timeline has Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin together with their kids again, Jong-hoo back with his wife and twins, Sang-shik and Joo-eun married and with their baby, Mom w...
Manager Byun says that Hwan could have been seen pushing the button and made the robbers start shooting. Woo-jin argues that if robbers know the policy is to push the button after they leave, it might make them more willing to rob a bank. Branch Manager Cha says that in a dangerous sit...
I also love the introduction of the subtle ways his new “perfect” life won’t be quite so perfect: the fact that he basically married into a wealthy family (and must cater to them at the expense of his own parents), his wife’s shopping habits, and the rotting food. Obviously the ...
Joo-hyuk can’t stop staring at Woo-jin and comparing her to how she was as his wife, like how she wears her hair down now, which she never did before even though he expressed a preference for it. But every time he notices something positive about her now, he remembers a time she ...
they’re both in more stable situations. Joo-hyuk has a beautiful wife, a lovely home, respect at work, and he doesn’t need to worry about money anymore, and Woo-jin is (mostly) happily single with a stable career, has a great relationship with her mother, is dating a great guy wh...
and he tells Joo-hyuk in private that he admitted cutting corners, but headquarters also suspects that he got a bribe for approving the loan. They don’t believe his denials, so he’s convinced he’ll be fired. Joo-hyuk looks helpless while Branch Manager Cha tells his wife over the ph...