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The introduction of this method into practice of cytogenetic studies will improve their efficiency and reduce the cost of an examination.Alexander StepakovSvetlana GalkinaDenis BogomazElena GaginskayaAlsu SaifitdinovaCurrent Journal of Applied Science and Technology...
GTR + I + G model was selected as a best-fit model for the all gene regions used in our analyses. Bayesian inference (BI) analysis was performed in the CIPRES Science Gateway web server (MrBayes on XSEDE v. 3.2.7a38). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC) analyses,...
2048+128 96 STR912FAZ42 256+32 96 STR912FAZ44 512+32 96 STR912FAZ46 1024+128 96 STR912FAZ47 2048+128 96 DocID13495 Rev 7 11/108 104 Functional overview STR91xFAxxx 3 Functional overview 3.1 System-in-a-package (SiP) The STR91xFA is a SiP device, comprised of two stacked die. ...
Set a goal(目标).Setting up a simple,fun family fitness challenge is the perfect way to get everyone encouraged to get healthy.Hold a family meeting to kick off your family fitness challenge.Ask for everyone's ideas-Little kids too!
问:五岁的小男孩最近总是一个小时尿了好几次尿,怎么回事(男,5岁) 答:最好查个晨尿看看。目前可以翻开孩子包皮洗洗。包皮里面可以积攒尿垢,而滋生细菌,引起尿路感染。从而出现尿频尿急的情况。
Default is `None' for which a filename is created automatically. saveF (bool): Boolean variable indicating whether to save the imputed expression space. """ if out_name==None: out_name = FA.getName()+'.hdf5' out_file = h5py.File(out_name,'w') out_file.create_dataset(name='...