Falun Gong practitioner Lin Shenli was released on January 23 after serving two years in a penitentiary for labor education and rehabilitation. The penitentiary staff told Xinhua: "Although Lin Shenli did not give up his belief in Falun Gong and did not admit any fault during his detention, he...
Forum to condemn "Falun Gong" cult held in Hong Kong Cult members tried for cable TV hijacking Students of Chongqing University condemn Falun Gong People condemn Falun Gong Satellite signals being interrupted People of all circles condemn Falun Gong...
A Chinese Buddhist leader has spoken highly of the government ban on Falun Gong according to law, saying that in the eyes of Buddhists, this is a just action that is most gratifying to the people. Shi Shenhui, a vice chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, made this remark Friday ...
Campbell fully understands the reasons behind the ongoing harassment. “The Falun Gong has this ongoing harassment is because they know if people are allowed to speak against them, it is going to make them look bad,” he said. “They are trying to suppress other people from speaking out agai...
美国特拉华州纽瓦克市市长戈得温29日宣布,取消该市有关将2000年9月9日定为“法轮大法日”的决定,并对由此而引发的误解表示歉意。 今年9月9日,纽瓦克市的一些“法轮功”练习者利用该市不了解“法轮功”邪教真相的情况,骗取了特拉华州纽瓦克市的“法轮大法日”证书。纽瓦克市市长戈得温在了解了“法轮功”邪教的...
首都各界妇女崇尚科学、破除迷信座谈会,7 月24日在北京举行。与 会妇女在发言中一致认为,党中央果断作出取缔“法轮功”非法组织的决 定是非常英明的。全国妇女坚决拥护党中央的决定。 全国妇联副主席、书记处第一书记顾秀莲说,“法轮功”组织不仅从 精神上欺骗和恐吓练功者,严重损害了妇女的身心健康,而且从组织上进...
"Falun Gong has been using all sorts of methods to attack, defame and threaten the media and people that revealed their evil nature in order to cover up the truth and manipulate public opinions," said Xu Tao, professor at School of Philosophy at Wuhan University, China's Hubei Province....
23日上午,国家体育总局、中华全国体育总会干部职工与体育工作者就坚决拥护取缔“法轮大法研究会”非法组织召开座谈会,他们表示,中央作出取缔“法轮功”非法组织的决定是正确的, 大快人心,顺乎民意。与会者表示,要积极引导群众开展科学、健康的健身运动,抵制异端邪教的侵袭。 这是中央台报道的。
新华社北京7月24日电 全国妇联日前向各省、自治区、直辖市妇联发出通知,坚决拥护中央取缔“法轮功”非法组织的决策,要求各级妇联进一步加强对妇女的思想政治工作和文化科学知识的普及教育,号召全国妇女崇尚科学,破除迷信。 通知指出,“法轮功”组织披着强身健体的外衣,推行散布唯心主义、有神论和迷信思想,胡说什么“人类...