将“false swearing"翻译成阿拉伯文 الحَلْفُ كَذِباً, يَمِينٌ كاذِبَة是“false swearing"到 阿拉伯文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The charges against him included making and issuing false documents without authority and ...
When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing to the following doctrines that God has pronounced false and sinful: 1. 人们的内心里存在着完美的道德和灵性。 当一个基督徒发下共济会的誓言,他是在对着神所宣称之谬误和罪恶的教义发誓: 1. ParaCrawl Corpus By swearing the Masonic...
and then there is what is truly a cult in the eyes of a Holy God according to the Scriptures. Most cults believetheir wayis the only way to heaven. Others do not even believe in heaven. Some do not believe in hell, Satan, or the Bible. Some do not believe people sin. Some proclai...