Two popular "fairness measures" are calibration and equality of false positive rate. Each measure seems intuitively important, but notably, it is usually impossible to satisfy both measures. For this reason, a large literature in machine learning speaks of a "fairness tradeoff" ...
Classical false discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedures offer strong and interpretable guarantees, while they often lack of flexibility. On the other hand, recent machine learning classification algorithms, as those based on random forest (RF) or neural networks (NN), have great practical performa...
True Positive (真正, TP)被模型预测为正的正样本; True Negative(真负 , TN)被模型预测为负的负样本 ; False Positive (假正, FP)被模型预测为正的负样本; False Negative(假负 , FN)被模型预测为负的正样本; True Positive Rate(真正率 , TPR)或灵敏度(sensitivity) TPR = TP 二分类问题的评价指标...
you would want to be alerted about it ASAP. Every lost transaction is lost revenue. But you don’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night by an alert that turns out to be a false positive, or has little business
false positive biopsies for all ten radiologists (Supplementary Table6). In fact, breast US has come under criticism for having a high false positive rate13,14. As reported by multiple clinical studies, only 7-8% of breast biopsies performed under US guidance are found to yield cancers15,17...
Related to false positive:False Positive Rate false positive n. A test result that is false-positive. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ...
and Chandrasekar [42] calculated geometric and intensity features, including the area, diameter, perimeter, irregularity index, mean, equivalent circle diameter, centroid and eccentricity, and used an ANN as a classifier to eliminate false positive nodules, which reduced the false positive rate to ...
I observed a very high false positive rate with the current implementation of BloomFilter, at times as high as 100%. My test code and results are given below. I also found out what can be changed to fix it, although not completely sure why my fix worked. I thought maybe bitmask method...
Identification Rate Cutoff Score Intellectual Disability These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. Definition A false positive occurs when an examinee’s performance on a test incorrectly...
false positive rate is still well within control. The maximum false positive rate is 1.7 × 10−3. Thus the new methods are not achieving higher statistical power at the expense of excessive false positives. Real data analysis. In this study, we used the metabolomics data ...