the consequences can be severe, including hefty fines, restitution, and even imprisonment. For instance, a conviction for filing false financial statements can lead to a fine of up to $ 10,000 or double the amount of the fraud, whichever is greater, and imprisonment for up to three years....
1 Legal Vetting It’s been known for decades that never get into a contract, agreement or any other ... 2 Preparation of Arguments Preparation of Arguments The word argument is commonly used for a heated debate, quarrelling through ... ...
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an owner, publisher, printer, agent, or employee of a newspaper or other publication, periodical, or circular, or of a radio station...
Europarl8 - Spreadingfalse newsagainst international peace UN-2 In 1985 and 1988 Verrall's publisher Ernst Zündel was tried in Canada on charges of "false news". WikiMatrix ublication offalse news. Two years imprisonment or fine MultiUn ...
imprisonment, to remove the power to punish summarily for wilfulfalse testimony,togive the High Court jurisdiction in connection with [...] [...]裁判委員參與的制度,擴大取得法院法律程序紀錄文本的權利,准許裁判官判處部分分 期執行的監禁刑期,撤除法院對故意作虛假證供行為循...
On 26 February, 2013, the Intermediate People’s Court of Yushu Prefecture of Qing Hai Province sentenced him to 5 years’ imprisonment with 2 years’ deprival of political rights. 2013年2月26日,青海省玉树自治州中级人民法院判处其5年有期徒刑,剥夺政治权利2年。 UN-2 On 26 February, 2013...